Some of My Work

React TailwindCSS

Frontend Mentor Challenge. Created a responsive news homepage. With shifting layouts depending on mobile or desktop view

Cigar Bar
ruby javascript bootstrap

The user can save breweries that are called from the OpenBreweryDB API. They can then create reviews for the brewery. The user will have a list of saved breweries to access the reviews.

React Axios TailwindCss LeafletJS IPify

Frontend Mentor Challenge. Utilize IP Geolocation API by IPify to fetch users IP and display on a map created by LeafletJS. Input box allows user to search other IP's and update location map. API calls made using Axios.

React Chakra-UI react-hook-form

Frontend Mentor Challenge. Create a multi step form with form validation. Form state tracked and shared throughout app with react context.

Tipsy List
rails react redux

The user can save breweries that are called from the OpenBreweryDB API. They can then create reviews for the brewery. The user will have a list of saved breweries to access the reviews.

Trello Board
React Firebase Redux

A trello board built using create react app for frontend and utilizing Firebase for authentication, file storage, and database.

ruby ruby on rails active record

A simple online store with shopping cart and checkout. There is also user authentication with OAuth

Portfolio Site
nextjs chakra-ui firebase sendgrid

My personal portfolio site repo. Utilizing NextJS to create a static site. I also implemented Sendgrid for the contact form and deployed using vercel. Authorization and data storage/access is handled with Firebase

Built By Josh